The Top Ten Best Irish Drinking Songs

By 1st Ireland Store on Jan 16, 2024

Everyone has their list of top Irish drinking songs, and I am no exception. In my humble opinion, the best Irish drinking songs don’t have to be all about booze, but they should be a romp that you can swing your arms along with and sing along to if you are so inclined. It’s the spirit of the thing that makes it a drinking song—not the subject. At least, that is how I see it.

That said, there are some songs that work both ways, and I’m the first to admit it. As you’ll see in my list below, some songs with alcohol as the basis for the lyrics just makes sense on the list.

Now some people may disagree with my definition of a top Irish drinking song, but I have no issues with that. We’re all allowed to pick what we like!

So with no further delay, here’s my top ten list for you to take a look at, in no particular order:

  1. Drunken Sailor
  2. Whiskey In The Jar
  3. Wild Rover
  4. Molly Malone
  5. Beer, Beer, Beer
  6. Finnnegan’s Wake
  7. Jug Of Punch
  8. Seven Drunken Nights
  9. Health To The Company
  10. The Irish Rover

I’m sure that my list will differ from many other top Irish drinking song lists—but I bet there are some songs in common as well! Many people will select “Finnegan’s Wake” and “Jug of Punch” I would guess, and there are probably a couple more that would make most top ten lists.

If I had to choose my favorite (and one of my favorite tunes of all time too I might add), it would be “Health to the Company.” There is something about that tune that just brings me up every time I hear it. And while an Irish ballad may set you dreamy and drifting, the best Irish drinking songs should put you in a very happy place.

I’m sure my top ten list will change over time, but one thing will remain—my love of Irish music and the fun mood that settles in when a drinking song is played in the pub!

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